What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is endorsed by the World Health Organization as a gold standard, evidence-based treatment for trauma.
EMDR is now used extensively for any adverse life experiences including physical pain, migraines, depression, anxiety and a full range of clinical problems we see in an outpatient setting.
Due to its efficacy, EMDR Therapy typically involves shorter duration treatments and is therefore more cost effective than traditional talk therapies. It is culturally neutral and therefore internationally portable, bypassing many of the traditional stigmas and taboos around self-disclosure so prevalent in many non-western cultures. We have group protocols that also provide a more cost effective option for treatment.
Patients are routinely surprised by the rapid shifts in self perception, distress levels and understanding that frequently occur sometimes in minutes within a single session. I constantly find myself in awe of the remarkable ability of each person to move beyond extraordinary adversity towards a life of hope, grace and inner peace.
Mastery of EMDR Therapy is both an art and a science and requires extensive training and consultation over many years. It has developed over the 30 years since its inception into a comprehensive psychotherapy system that has provided freedom and transformative healing to millions of suffering people all over the globe. It is my conviction that history will judge the development of EMDR as parallel in importance to the discovery of antibiotics and vaccines.
A phase-based approach is typically taken with a period of stabilization and preparation. The processing phase of treatment involves the utilization of eye movements taps or tones in a systemized and structured eight-phased, three-pronged format to access and process past toxic events, present triggers and future concerns. In the EMDR world we speak of post traumatic stress but are more interested in what is known as post-traumatic growth, PTG. Patient post-treatment are often able to state that their adversities, no matter how horrifying, have also been their greatest teachers. It is strong medicine indeed.
is not
measured by
the number of breaths
that you take
but by the moments
that take your breath