Hear from some of my patients
I worked with Dr. Amanda Roberts for several months in the spring and summer of 2018. Beginning with the initial session, and deepening over the subsequent months, she created and held a welcoming, open, trusting, and very deep space for our sessions together. She is a truly extraordinary and experienced therapist, with keen intuitions and insights. Together we established a very clear path and continuity in our sessions. She provided exceptional support and encouragement to explore underlying issues and themes. Our work was both enlightening and transformative. In summary, I cannot recommend Dr. Roberts highly enough. - Anonymous
Amanda Roberts is a gifted, kind, professional, rare kind of healer.
I began treatment with Amanda in order to address the migraines I had developed in recent years. In the course of our work together, I was thrilled to discover what a powerful intervention EMDR can be, not only for migraine, but for trauma residue of various kinds, and for the constitutional anxiety I have had my whole life. Amanda brought her deep experience with EMDR and brain science into every session and her passion for the work shone through. She is part teacher, part scientist, and a little bit magician!
Targeting trauma and distress directly using EMDR proved remarkably and fascinatingly effective. I loved that it worked without much talk at all! It was strangely fun, safe, and peaceful; it amazed me every time. EMDR was useful both with present time material (e.g. my mother died during the period I was working with Amanda) and with old, sometimes pre-verbal memories and patterns.
Amanda’s work with pain is multifaceted, so in the case of migraine for me, she included EMDR, guided imagery, meditation, and hypnosis. Both state anxiety (response to stimulus in the present moment) and trait anxiety (chronic anxiety disorder) have been so reduced in me that my friends and spouse remark on it, and my life is simply much more manageable. I am more grounded and more resilient. Amanda is a winner. I highly recommend her, and the wonderful, life-changing work she offers. - JS, PhD
In Dr. Roberts, I found a strong, caring and brilliant advisor. She provided guidance through an extremely challenging time in my life. Dr. Roberts came recommended as a successful therapist who specializes in EMDR to treat PTSD and is good with cancer patients. At the time, I was experiencing a litany of major life stressors: brain cancer, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, childhood trauma, work and marriage issues. I was properly skeptical of Dr. Roberts and EMDR when we first met—and that all changed.
Dr. Roberts took the long road and over two years together we hit multiple milestones. Her receptiveness allowed me to give voice to my issues. Her responsiveness allowed me to better understand those issues. She improved my sense of self-worth, validated my struggles, and acknowledged my accomplishments. Using EMDR and her therapy methods, Dr. Roberts helped resolve long held childhood issues, reduce the trauma of brain surgery, lower the stress of living with cancer, and create space for deeper contemplation of self in relationship issues.
Dr. Roberts was an integral part of my recovery. I believe she has much to offer and I am grateful for her help in navigating the difficult terrain in life’s journey. - Anonymous survivor of childhood abuse and cancer

I always knew I wanted to be a social worker, a psychotherapist. My professional journey took me in different directions. And it was in this journey that I found EMDR. It took me years before I had to face a “high risk surgery” to realize that I also was in need of EMDR. To my surprise it was not what I intended to get help for in preparation for the surgery but the magic of the treatment in treating my pain after.
Amanda, I will forever be grateful, for your mastery, skillful intuition of knowing, for that particular day observing how my body was struggling in pain and for offering the relief that took only twenty minutes for it to go away. But, the story does not end there. The reality is that the pain never came back.
And you wonder, and I wonder, and I know that this is proof that EMDR goes beyond what we as humans are able to understand about the brain. Thank you Amanda I will forever be grateful for finding you at a time when I needed you the most. - L.B
I have worked with Dr. Amanda Roberts for the past several years as my work as a pelvic floor physical therapist often intersects with trauma. Dr. Roberts has been an invaluable resource with whom I could consult with regarding challenging cases or to refer patients who were struggling with achieving best outcomes.
Physical therapy successfully addressed part of this but Dr. Robert’s work allowed the patient to process underlying trauma that may arise in the body during treatments.
She always provided screenings or initial evaluations to ascertain if she could accommodate my patients in her schedule or if she could refer them to a highly regarded colleague. This was crucial when I had a patient present in crisis. Dr. Roberts always provided me with support and resources when I needed her help. She is an incredibly skilled therapist and I am very grateful for her guidance and expertise. Patricia Y., PT, MS, DPT
Amanda Roberts is a caring, compassionate, and highly skilled therapist. Through her extensive training and work in EMDR she has helped those who have experienced trauma, depression, chronic pain, and many other issues.
Amanda believes in the importance of providing patents with a safe therapeutic setting. In addition she assists her patients in developing the tools and resources that can help facilitate growth outside of the therapeutic setting. Patient with chronic pain and lifelong depression