Humanitarian Work - PRISE
Paraprofessionals delivering resiliency
intervention skills & education
PRISE is a fully-developed, trauma-focused training curriculum for paraprofessionals, and it is designed to be scaled up in areas of the world where there is a paucity of qualified mental health practitioners and weak infrastructures. I have approached and established a dialogue with a variety of INGOs including but not limited to the World Bank Group, Flying Doctors of Mercy, USAID and The Congo Peace School in the Democratic Republic of Congo, SDO in Afghanistan, GIMC, Save the Children and the United States Institute for Peace. I have an upcoming project in the Democratic Republic delivering PRISE to school teachers in a school devoted to the rehabilitation of child soldiers. I am told I am a talented writer and will be creating a book on the PRISE vision and its projects around the world.
Life is precious, uncertain and fragile. For those of us blessed with the privilege of health, we must seize the day and make it count for something as if it were our last.
And make our lives count for something as a way of acknowledging those who were NOT given this gift and to honor those that came before us.
To squander our lives leaves the opportunity to create an enduring and loving legacy in its own graveyard.
We have a sacred and moral duty to care for one another and facilitate healing in this broken world.
In doing so, we affect the course of this and future generations.
Surely this is the ultimate PRISE. Join us. Only together can we make it so.
- Dr. Amanda Roberts, Architect of PRISE
I have provided trainings/workshops nationally and internationally on a variety of mental health topics and was on the United Nations working team of EMDR therapists acting to introduce EMDR Therapy as a modality to be used in humanitarian programs around the world. Over the past five years I have held leadership positions in community disaster programs both in the US and abroad. More recently, as an EMDR ambassador, I facilitated an engagement with the World Bank in the Philippines and have been involved in various capacities with the Global Initiative for Stress and Trauma Treatment, GIST-T, based in Geneva Switzerland. Currently I am also a roster clinician for the KonTerra Group which specializes in assisting those who work for INGOs devoted to humanitarian affairs. As a consummate researcher I launched the world’s first EMDR clinical trial looking at the efficacy of the EMDR Group Traumatic Episode Protocol, GTEP with an oncology population. This protocol also has applicability to other populations.